Maybe you have asked yourself why go through the trouble communicating with more than a handful independent ladies to arrange your dream date if just one inquiry to an agency will do the trick? True, an agency will usually be able to offer a choice between several suitable high class South Mumbai escorts and the agency will take care of the availability question and only suggest you escort girls, that are supposedly available for the inquired time; but that is about the only advantages South Mumbai escorts agencies has to offer and the downsides are considerable, as we shall shortly discover.
Hand on heart; how time consuming is it in this age of instant electronic communication to copy-paste a text and send almost identical introductory e-mails to 5 or even 10 South Mumbai escorts? The 5 minutes it requires will pay off handsomely as the replies come in and you will experience the luxury of choosing between several South Mumbai escorts, who have already personally expressed their interest in meeting you.
After the initial inquiries begins a process – sometimes short, to other times a little longer – where you will exchange information back and forth directly with one or more young women in order to reach an agreement. During this process will you have the opportunity to get an impression of your potential date’s personality and attitude – and she will have likewise regarding you. It will be possible to exchange compliments and point of views; providing the foundation for positive personal relations once your encounter materializes.
This is in almost complete contrast to the booking procedure an agency will try to impose on you. First of all, the typical agency will of course praise their portfolio of South Mumbai escorts regardless of suitability, as the agency’s only interest in the matter is the sales commission it will in turn receive from the South Mumbai escorts girl. A closed deal is money in the bank for the agency – simple as that!
Furthermore – and this is the crucial point – booking through an agency you will not be able to communicate directly with any girl. Only at the last minute before a scheduled meeting – if even then – will you be given the means to communicate directly with you favored date. The agency staff will explain you that they are protecting the escort lady; preserving her anonymity or something along those lines. In reality the agency fears being cut out from the deal, if you are able to communicate directly with your favorite high class South Mumbai escorts. You and the companion you have chosen could easily arrange things in between you without involving the agency staff and of course without paying the agency for its mediating role.
The agency owner knows that the abundant existence of communication means often makes the agency superfluous; therefore the only option is to restrict direct communication between the client and the service provider to a mere minimum. The mediator becomes unnecessary and even unwanted if he doesn't control and monopolize the information – and that’s the main reason why you as a buyer of escort services are prevented from communicating directly with South Mumbai escorts prior to the commencement of any encounter.
But returning to the agency’s primary strength; the portfolio of South Mumbai escorts on offer: The portfolio gives the agency a clear advantage over the independent South Mumbai escort girl when competing for the attention of potential clients; having more than one item on display for sale is obviously an advantage when vying for the customers attention and is the very reason why businesses like real estate brokerage and used-car sales exist.
What is however not so obvious to the untrained eye seeking an appointment with a high class South Mumbai escort, is that the impressive portfolios of agencies often are more apparent than real. The agency owner knows a large selection of beautiful young South Mumbai escorts will attract far more hopeful clients than a handful of average looking girls, so what is more obvious than propping up the shop window with alot of good looking bodies and then try to sell whatever is actually on the shelves once the customer has entered the shop?
Having researched hundreds of escort service websites I can confidently state that it is very, very common for traditional escort agencies to supplement their portfolio with pictures of South Mumbai escorts the agency has no arrangements with – often pictures found somewhere on the internet and then simply copied to the agency’s website. The pictures are usually posted with made-up biographies for non-existent escort girls. I cannot say that every agency does it, but I am on the other hand certain that sometimes entire portfolios of dozens or more young and beautiful models presented on the internet consist of nothing but fake profiles.
Again, we will have to contrast this situation with that of the independent South Mumbai escorts: It is obvious that the independent escort woman only has one item to sell; the services she provides herself; and it is therefore pointless to try and pull clients into the shop by displaying some fake faces in the shop window. The South Mumbai escorts cannot run a business based on selling something different than what she advertises for sale. You will therefore not see fake photos on an independent escort’s website – at least it would be very unusual.
The fact that the South Mumbai escort is really an entrepreneur responsible for setting up and operating a small business also indicates something about her personality. Obvious she is self-reliant and in possession of at least reasonable organizational skills and intelligence; the last being a quality highly valued by many escort clients. She will also be more motivated to deliver outstanding and personal service, as a core of regular clients is the best way to ensure a good and stable income. Clients only become regulars if they are satisfied.The agency affiliated escort girl is in contrast much less likely to meet the same client more than once. The reason is, that the typical agency South Mumbai escort has signed up with several agencies – despite the agencies common claims to the contrary – and is therefore only loosely affiliated with a specific agency. There is therefore little motivating the agency escort lady to attempt establishing closer relations with clients from just one agency.
If South Mumbai escorts should attempt to build up a base of regular clients she would most likely try to cut out the various agencies she cooperate with and keep all the money for herself. Make’s sense doesn't it?The bottom line of course is that the agency affiliated escort girl will be less motivated to build personal relations with her clients, which of course will be a huge disadvantage for the many clients seeking at least a minimum of personal relations with their high class South Mumbai escorts. Speaking of motivation, it should be obvious the escorting industry is first and foremost motivated by the same as all other industries – money! The South Mumbai escorts girl is motivated as much by money as is the agency affiliated escort girl. The difference is, that the independent escort girl gets to keep all the money paid for her company, time and services, whereas the agency affiliated escort girl pays anywhere from 10% and up to 50% of her fee to the agency. All things else being equal it means the South Mumbai escorts client using an agency to mediate an appointment will be paying more for the same experience. Agency owners will of course deny this and claim their involvement add value to the deal. Except in special cases, where the client and the South Mumbai escorts are unable to arrange a meeting by direct communication, this is however clearly not the case. The agency demand a commission ranging anywhere from 10% to 50% of the South Mumbai escort’s fee for a mediating service that can easily be replaced by a few emails or SMS sent directly between the client and the service provider.