While choosing our escorts we pay a lot of attention to details. We have a strict screening process and we do not just recruit any girl who feels that she will be able to make some extra money from here. We interview them and we see that whether they would be suited to accompany the kind of clients we have. They have to be well versed in quite a few languages and they have to have a particular persona and sophistication. We also see whether they are punctual as we never keep our clients waiting. The girls are mostly young, teenagers or young working professionals. But unlike other agencies we also hire some mature women because we know that various men have various tastes. We also try to know about their lifestyle because that is crucial for how they are interacting with the clients. We ensure that they maintain personal hygiene at all times and also have a look at their medical history. Such care and diligence is hardly to be seen in any other regular escort agency and this just goes to show how seriously we take the safety and security of the clients. They have their own likes and dislikes and we want to cater to all of them. We also try to analyze how experienced they are sexually and whether they are truly capable of pleasing the men. We ask them if they are alright about having sex with strangers and only after we are sure that they are ready to take on the responsibility, do we hire them.
Apart from supermodels and the most young and hot Indian escorts, we have tie ups with a lot of independent escorts of the city. Clients who are interested to enjoy the companionship of the independent escorts can contact us and we will be giving them all the detailed information on the independent escorts who are charming and fun loving. Clients are requested to explicitly tell us their needs and requirements. We always priorities the needs of our clients and according to those notions we usually plan our services.
Unlike other agencies, we never make false promises to the clients and we give them exactly what they have seen. Clients mostly book girls after they have seen them on the website and we make sure that all the photographs are genuine and are regularly updated. That helps the clients to make an informed decision about who they want to be with. Most of the time clients are given pictures of other women and when they meet someone they are not the one that had wanted to be with and yet the client has to end up paying money. We thoroughly discourage such practices and the clients can choose from girls who are presently available. Once the escort has been booked it is ensured that she reaches the designated place at the allotted time. Because of our professionalism, we have managed to create a vast network and our agency now has offices in almost every city of the country. We regularly get phone calls and enquiries but we have hardly ever failed to deliver an escort to the clients. There are also times when the client had given a very short notice and yet we always manage to make the suitable arrangements.
Not all escort agencies can guarantee real satisfaction as we do. We can do it because we have earned reputation among clients through years of hard work and honesty. To earn name and fame, there are now so many escort agencies which are trying to trick a lot of people using our name. We want to confirm our valued clients that we never do our promotion through any glittering handouts or posters. Neither have we posted raunchy pictures of our escorts in other websites. Our website is composedly authentic and we make only those promises which we can keep.
Our well informed websites has all the information that a client might require. He can know about the escorts as well about the timings. But even then, if he still has any queries then we are just a phone call away and we also answer queries through email. Our helpful customer care executives provide all the information that is required and all the mails and calls are always regularly attended to. Our biggest strength is our network and the entire smooth functioning of the agency rests on it. Our clients can be helped with information regarding what kind of services a particular escort would be interested in giving. The customer care executive can also provide other relevant information and all in all, the clients have a hassle free booking system.
Clients never ever complained about the quality of our services. And the same happened with our charges as well. According to the type of service, we fix the charges. Sometimes tha charges get determined by calculating the period of time the clients wish to hire an escort for. Our agency is very careful about the features and vitalities of the charming and luxury escorts in Phase 3B2, Mohali. In this regard we would like to clarify that the charges differ according to the qualities and experiences of the escorts. Escort who are supermodels and work as platinum escorts are definitely pricy to be booked compared to the other girls of our agency. But for the high class clients, these charges are nothing but pocket friendly.
We request all the clients and other interested men to get in touch with us directly through phone call. We guarantee that the sweet anjli-telephone operators would not take much time to answer all the questions asked by the clients. Most of the clients of our agents are repeat customers as once a client experience our services, hardly think of visiting other escort agencies.
It can be said that the rates of our agency are the best in the industry and we do not charge any kind of extra money and there are no hidden charges. Most of the time, the clients are just informed about the base rate by other agencies by they end up paying a lot more than what they had bargained for. This just takes away all the pleasure and there are added requests often made by escorts which cannot be refused. It is because of the transparency of our website that that our clients keep coming back to us. There is no way that they would find something different than what they had expected. All our escorts also sign the confidentiality agreement and there is no reason to worry about either health issues or legal issues. Once the client has booked an escort with us, the guarantee of his pleasure is ours.
We are the best because we specialize in giving all kinds of sexual pleasures to the clients. Our escorts are skilled in handjobs and blowjobs and if the client wants, we can also arrange escorts to for a glorious threesome session. We can send two escorts instead of one and together it will be a night to remember. We also give other facilities to the clients if they so require. Be it a booking in a luxury hotel or a pick and drop service, everything can be provided by us. We have a very efficient communication system that makes it possible for clients to reach out to us directly in case they find a service not to their liking, but that has never happened so far. It is our endeavour to make the client?s stay as pleasurable as possible and then provide them with everything they need.
The escorts we have are make sure that the lonely moments of the clients are not lonely anymore. They have a wide range of skills and you will be amazed at how brilliantly can they make your days lively and joyful. If you want to go to a pub and enjoy or want to be on the dance floor with a classy looking girl, our escorts make sure that they are worthy of your companionship. You can visit any high end malls or clubs with our escorts and the people there are going to be jealous of the beautiful and gorgeous companion who is with you. Personal escorts have to look the part and those who want to be discreet make sure that others do not find out that she is an escort. Because of this our escorts put in extra effort and then they easily play the part of your girlfriend, giving you the companionship you want.
The Phase 3B2, Mohali Escort Agency prides itself on giving some of the best services to the clients and here are some of the benefits that one gets to enjoy with them: They include:
So what are you waiting for? If you are out there alone in the city and you are looking for adequate female companion who is going to make your evenings and your nights come alive, them contact us today and be ready to get on to a sexual joyride, one that will leave you asking or more.